Blog 1: Politics

hello everyone!

Politics in my country is a very controversial issue, throughout my life I have seen how the system in my country was affecting me while I was growing up, but I never felt part of it or understood how it worked. To this day I have basic notions of the politics, for example, who is the president, who are the ministers, things that before when I was little I did not know, despite that, I think there is a lack of  culture and education about it.

Is it important to vote? Yes, of course it´s, however, it becomes more democratic and representative when citizens are educated about what they are going to vote for, not when you do just to comply with your civil obligation and without information. Even so, many times we prioritize other aspects of our lives and leave aside things as important as informing ourselves to vote, especially with older adults who are sometimes influenced by their family or young people who are influenced by social networks to vote without the maturity needed.

In conclusion, the policy of my country is not 100% reliable I would say not even 50%, but everything starts with education and that in my country is not exemplary either.

And how do you feel about politics in your country?



  1. honestly i think the politic in my country does not represent the people and this make the people lost the interest, for example, to vote. Good blog!

  2. I feel the same, I hope that more importance is given to teaching about politics.

  3. Civil-political education must be taught in schools there is a huge void at present. I really liked your blog! :)


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