Hello dear readers, today I will talk about a very debatable topic in my country, education.

If we consider primary education as schools, in my country schools are divided into two big groups, public and private; in relation to these groups there is a big distinction as to which one is better... do private schools really have better education than public schools? My answer is, depends...

I studied in a public school, both in Santiago and in a region in the south, and my appreciation is that if I learned. I learned what I should have learned corresponding to the year I was studying and I felt satisfied with my education because thanks to it I managed to get to the university. But once inside the university I realized that the knowledge I had was basic compared to my classmates, I realized that they had a deeper knowledge of all the subjects, which I did not have. 

There are teachers in public schools who like what they do and make an effort to provide a good education for their students, the issue is the resources provided for this, which are few and make the first public education a little basic...

And you... In what kind of school did you study? Has your primary education been a problem for you in college?


  1. wow I understand, I studied at a private subsidized school and it really helped me a lot at university because of the knowledge I have of the subjects

  2. I feel same, I studied at a private subsidized school. In me case this education don't help me much, it thank for some teacher, but I think that there are much difference depend on the education that you have with resource that the school have. Good blog!!

  3. I studied in a municipal high school and I have lived the inequality and the lack of knowledge however you have to be persistent and have the desire to learn, love your blog!


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