Healthcare system.

 Hello dear readers, today I will talk to you about a very important topic such as Health in Chile.

The health service in our country is good compared to some health services in Latin America, however, it is not perfect. I think there are quite a few shortcomings that have been going on for quite a few years in the public service, it is not possible for a patient to have to wait so long for an operation or treatment that would save his life.

How to improve this? I honestly believe that the money destined for health is very little, since money is allocated for things that are not really important and something as significant as the health of the inhabitants is left aside.

More money should be allocated to purely dedicated to care services and that this should be corroborated if it gets where it should and is not lost along the way.

Do you think the government is doing everything possible to prevent diseases?

No, if we refer to the pandemic, at the time the first thing it should have done was close the borders, isolating us from the rest of the world in order to keep our country healthy, but it did not.

Anyway, I think that bad decisions have been made for quite some time, however if they do their job correctly, health should improve because it would be noticed that they give it the importance it deserves.

And what do you think?


  1. it's all true, as a chemistry and pharmacy student I see how little money is spent on health, it's very sad. :(

  2. If health were given as much importance as a football player⚽.. would be a different world, I love your blog! :)

  3. Based in the old economy model, closing the border meant a waste of money. But, what good is money if there are no people?. Good blog!


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