

Hello to all my readers!

Today we will touch on the subject of religion.

Is religion important to me? Over the years I have been changing my vision on this subject, when I was small, I part of a religion, the Catholic one and I have my sacraments but now that I am older I see religion differently.

I see religion as a belief, that people need to believe in something to feel complete and/or safe, the issue is that religion is standardized, Christian, Jewish, Mormon, etc. I don't consider myself part of any but I believe in religion, I believe that there is something superior to us and that things don't happen why, maybe it's god, maybe the stars, maybe the planets, I don't know, but  I know that I believe in something and that I don't feel obliged to go to a parish for example or pray every night, but I feel that I won't be alone, there is something omnipresent that will always be with us.

What about you? What is religion?

Let me know in the comments :)



  1. I think the same, if I believe in something I should not feel obligated to do things.
    The truth is that I am not of any religion, but I respect the beliefs of all people, we are free to choose!

  2. To be honest, i don't know how to describe the religion, but if exist respect all good. Good blog!

  3. love your perspective that people look for what to believe in to stay sane, I think you're very right, religion is an explanation for who we are..

  4. I like you blog, I like that each person can think free and it don't exist criticism for this.


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